Testimonial Posts

How Frankel Development uses Retailsphere to Move Deals Forward

When it comes to securing the right tenant for their vacancies, Frankel Development turns to Retailsphere first. Why? When talking to Diandra Breen (image left), Sales Associate at Frankel, she said “Retailsphere helps [us] secure contact information that increases chances of moving a deal forward.”  That typically means securing 5-10 targeted and strong candidates for […]

Peterson Company's Mark Kufka is amazed at the RetailSphere platform's evolution in such a short amount of time

"I cannot compliment you enough on how far the product has come since Kenny Brown first introduced – then eventually sold us – on the RetailSphere tool.  Your team has truly put in some great work to expand the product and make it that much more valuable.  It was a good tool when we originally […]

Are you Expanding? The Best Kept Secret in Retail

Retailsphere’s™ on-demand research team returns actionable expansion data in an average of 24 hours Retailsphere’s™ research team, aka the best kept secret in retail, gets right to business when reaching out to site selectors, tenant reps, brokers, and landlords, amongst others. And in most cases, the team is on a first name basis with the […]

Patterson Woods Uses Targeted Approach thanks to Retailsphere

Patterson Woods Associates, of Delaware, has seen the commercial real estate industry change over the years. They have evolved to meet new demands and stay ahead of their client’s needs. This has included adding a property management team, a business brokerage team, and even several 1031 exchange experts. Now they’re evolving by leveraging Retailsphere to […]

Retailsphere helps Roth RE Group grow during Pandemic

Roth RE Group may have started as a brokerage, but today their business looks a lot different. They’ve taken 60 years of experience and built one of the premier real estate companies in the Columbus, Ohio area that now includes property development and tenant representation.  By working to keep everything in-house, they’ve been able to […]
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